Day 11- Support System
I want to thank each and every one of you for standing by me, and helping to get me to where I am today.
Whether it was by sms, email, face book, bbm or personal visits, being present at the funeral or just sending prayers, love and light, I really couldn’t have come this far without you!
I was wrapped in a cocoon of love and support immediately after Joaquim passed away.
Family and friends dropped everything to come and support us. We didn’t have to worry about meals or cleaning up, we were surrounded by unconditional love. There are so many people to mention, I apologise if I missed one of you, it was impossible to add a picture of everybody.
But the focus of today’s picture has to be of our dear friend, Aunty Liz Crackett.
Joaquim was admitted to hospital very suddenly. We had gone for a paediatrician check-up because we were concerned about him. We thought he may just need a supplement. We had no way of knowing that the world was about to come crashing down around us. The paediatrician rooms were in the hospital. My mother was there visiting my step father who was having back surgery, we bumped into her, and her best friend, Aunty Liz in the passage. They stayed with us through those nightmarish hours, never leaving our side. They held our hands, and caught us as we collapsed at the end.
Our dear friend Elizabeth was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks later and passed away suddenly only a month ago.
I feel that if I can dedicate today to anybody, it would be to her. She was a huge part of my support system my whole life, she held my hand through every major event in my life and when he passed away, she was with me through the darkest moments, and now, she is holding Joaquims hand in heaven. I will always love you Aunty Liz, take care of my boy for me! Till we meet again!

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